Thursday, November 24, 2011

Drumstick curry with milk

I love drumsticks especially in sambhar. Last time when i bought them my mom-in-law suggested we make curry with them and i realized i never made curry with drumsticks. To my surprise my husband was a very big fan of drumstick curry, so we had a very happy ending with this recipe.


Drumsticks - 4
Onions - 4-5
green chillies -2 (optional)
curry leaves - 1 stem (optional)
1/2 tsp cumin and mustard seeds .
milk - 1 cup
turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
chilli powder - 1/2 tbsp
coriander powder - 1/2 tbsp
garam masala powder - 1 tsp

Step 1: Peel and cut drumsticks into 1-2 inch pieces. Cut onions as finely as possible.

Step 2: Add oil to cooking pot, once it is hot add cumin and mustard seeds. Add curry leaves, cut green chillies and onions. Fry until onion start to turn light brown.

Step 3: Add drunmsticks and cook until drumsticks are cooked. When you press a drumstick with ladle, it should open, that's the way to check if drumstick s are cooked.

Step 3: Add turmeric powder,chilli powder, coriander powder and garam masala powder. Cook for couple of minutes.
Step 4: Wait, we are not done yet. Add cup of milk and cook for another 2 minutes.

Ready!!! Tastes awesome with rice.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dosa Series: simple pesarattu

I am planning to have a series for Dosa recipes. For those who are hearing this term for the first time, it is a very famous south Indian breakfast dish. It is comparable to a crepe.

2 cups split green gram
1/4 cup rice
1/2 onion
1 chilly
small ginger ginger piece
salt for taste

Usually Dosa is served with chutney. but you can eat this Dosa without chutney.

Step1: Soak green gram along with rice in water for 5-6 hours. Usually i soak them overnight and make Dosa for breakfast.

Step2: Grind green gram along with onion,chilly, ginger and salt. Add enough water to make it into a think batter.

Tip1: Always add water in small quantities while grinding. This way the batter is smooth and you can be sure that you did not add too much water. Consistency of the batter is very important to make Dosa.

Step3: Take a wide pan and slightly grease it with oil. Take 1/2 cup of batter and spread it evenly over the pan with back of a round ladle. This is the most tricky part, i have failed many times. Don't get disappointing, i have many tips to help you.

Tip2: Always keep the pan in medium to low flame while spreading the batter otherwise the batter might not spread easily. Increase the flame once the batter is properly spread.

Step4: Turn the Dosa carefully and cook on the other side for a minute.

Yummy Dosa is ready. I find Dosa very tasty and healthy. It is prefect for breakfast.

Monday, November 7, 2011

vicky's simple veg salad

I regularly watch Vicky Ratnani 'Gourmet Central' on NDTV Good Times and this recipe is from his show. I selected this recipe as it is super easy and super healthy.


Vegetables: You can use any salad veggies you like, In this recipe i used yellow squash, carrots, beans, broccoli, Chinese cabbage

Butter, Olive oil, Basil, salt & pepper

Step1: Chop all veggies to desired shapes and sizes.

Step2: Blanch vegetables. Which is basically add veggies to boiling water and let them cook for couple of minutes and take them out and immediately immerse in ice or ice water. I like the color of blanched vegetables and also they are crunchy to eat.

Step3: Take a pan, add 1 tbsp of butter and 1 tbsp of olive oil. Fry blanched vegetables for a minute. add salt and pepper as per taste. Add chopped basil.


Friday, November 4, 2011

my favorite mushroom curry

I cook this dish only when there are visitors at home. Some people in India don't eat mushroom and my dear husband is one of them. So guests are good excuse for me to prepare this dish.


Tomatoes, onions and mushrooms, cleaned and chopped properly.
Oil, curry leaves (optional), coriander powder, chilli powder, gram masala powder, ginger garlic paste, turmaric powder, salt

I purposefully did not give the measurements for ingredients in this recipe. I want you to go with your instincts and use ingredients as per your taste.

Tasting the dish while cooking is very important and will guide you in using ingredients.

Everyone is unique and so is their taste. Why to follow others taste measurements when you can prepare according to yours eh!

Step1: Fry onions along with curry leave in oil until they start to brown. Add ginger garlic paste and turmaric powder and fry for a minute.

Step2: Add mushrooms and cook until they leave water and become soft. Add chopped tomotos and cook for another 2 minutes.

Step3: add chilli powder, coriander powder, garm masala, salt and cook for 2 minutes. Taste and add ingredients as per your taste.

Mushroom curry is ready.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

unique potato salad

I saw baby potatoes in the store while shopping for groceries and i got reminded of a wonderful potato salad i had in a restaurant. I bought them and searched for the recipe. I was confused what to try from numerous recipes on net. Finally i took plunge at this recipe.

I was stopped in the first step itself. I did not have mustard sauce and that means i have to wait another day to buy it and try out this recipe. But as always i was not ready to wait another day. So i tried my hand making quick alternative for mustard sauce.


Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
Olive oil - 2 tbsp
mayonnaise - 2 tbsp
onion - 1 cut into small pieces (Spring onion will be even better)
baby potatoes - 250 grams ( boiled, peeled and cut into half)
coriander leaves
salt for taste

Step 1: Using hand mortar and pestle coarsely grind the mustard. Add Olive oil and mustard to it and mix properly.

Step 2: Add cut onions to the mustard sauce. Mix it with potatoes. Sprinkle a bit of finely chopped coriander leave and salt.

Easy right? My mom-in-law liked it and my son loved it.

Happy experimenting :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Yummy Baked Macaroni and Cheese

Like everyone else i love macaroni cheese. But i am stopped by the kinds of cheese to be used in the recipe.
But today i thought this should not stop me, let me try with pizza cheese. It came out very well and this recipe earned its place in our regulars.

1 cup Macaroni
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp flour
1 1/2 cup milk
1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
1 1/2 cup cheddar (I used pizza cheese)
salt as per taste

Step 1: Boil Macaroni as per instructions and keep aside.

Step 2: Take a pan, add butter. Once butter melts, add flour and mix until it bubbles. Then add milk little by little while mixing properly. Cook until this becomes think and smooth.

Step 3: Switch off the stove . Add pepper powder and 1 cup cheese and mix. Add macaroni and mix properly. Add salt as per taste.

Step 4: Butter
Step 5: Bake at 180 C for 20 minutes or until you see cheese turning little brown.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

mouthwatering fish fry

Fish is one of my favorite foods. My husband does not eat fish.
So, i mostly prefer to make something simple and quick with fish.

Below is my standard recipe. This recipe can be used for any kind of fish, here i have used pomfret.


chilli powder
ginger garlic paste
coriander powder
gram masala powder
lemon juice
coriander leavers

In the ingredients sections, i did not give the measurements purposefully. Because for this recipe all ingredients are as per the taste. Chilli powder and salt needs little attention, if you add more then fish fry is ruined.

Step1: rub the ingredients properly to fish and let it rest for half hour.

Step2: In a shallow pan, fry the fish in oil for 3-4 minutes . You don't need too much oil as we are not doing deep fry.

Step2: Turn the fish carefully and fry on the other side for another 2 minutes.

Once fish is done properly, taken them out of oil, sprinkle coriander leaves. Enjoy :)