Monday, November 7, 2011

vicky's simple veg salad

I regularly watch Vicky Ratnani 'Gourmet Central' on NDTV Good Times and this recipe is from his show. I selected this recipe as it is super easy and super healthy.


Vegetables: You can use any salad veggies you like, In this recipe i used yellow squash, carrots, beans, broccoli, Chinese cabbage

Butter, Olive oil, Basil, salt & pepper

Step1: Chop all veggies to desired shapes and sizes.

Step2: Blanch vegetables. Which is basically add veggies to boiling water and let them cook for couple of minutes and take them out and immediately immerse in ice or ice water. I like the color of blanched vegetables and also they are crunchy to eat.

Step3: Take a pan, add 1 tbsp of butter and 1 tbsp of olive oil. Fry blanched vegetables for a minute. add salt and pepper as per taste. Add chopped basil.


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