Thursday, November 3, 2011

unique potato salad

I saw baby potatoes in the store while shopping for groceries and i got reminded of a wonderful potato salad i had in a restaurant. I bought them and searched for the recipe. I was confused what to try from numerous recipes on net. Finally i took plunge at this recipe.

I was stopped in the first step itself. I did not have mustard sauce and that means i have to wait another day to buy it and try out this recipe. But as always i was not ready to wait another day. So i tried my hand making quick alternative for mustard sauce.


Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
Olive oil - 2 tbsp
mayonnaise - 2 tbsp
onion - 1 cut into small pieces (Spring onion will be even better)
baby potatoes - 250 grams ( boiled, peeled and cut into half)
coriander leaves
salt for taste

Step 1: Using hand mortar and pestle coarsely grind the mustard. Add Olive oil and mustard to it and mix properly.

Step 2: Add cut onions to the mustard sauce. Mix it with potatoes. Sprinkle a bit of finely chopped coriander leave and salt.

Easy right? My mom-in-law liked it and my son loved it.

Happy experimenting :)


  1. Hi Sravani,
    Have you started work @ Germany ?

  2. Hi Supriyo,
    How r u?
    Yes i have started working in Germany.
    Its been a month.
