Monday, March 7, 2011

woow rasmalai

My head said, " want to try Rasmalia? it will definitely hard to make"
My heart said, "whats the fun without trying new things in life...even if we fail"

Rasmalai is famous Bengali desert.

Rasmalai needs two things, rabdi and has rasgulla.

Recipe Rabdi

Its very simple to make and itself can be served as desert with fruits.

Milk - 1/2 kg
Sugar - 1/2 cup
cardamom powder - 1/8 tps

Take a shallow non stick pan, Add milk. Boil milk under low flame whisking it slowly with wooden ladle. It will take about 1/2 hr for milk to become thick. Add sugar and cardamom powder and boil milk until sugar melts completely.

You can use this in many deserts. Add it ti gulab jamoon, double ka meeta, kheer or fruits.

Recipe Rasmalai

I never thought making rasmalai is simple. It is definitely lengthy but simple to make.

Milk - 1/2 liter
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Almonds - 4
ice cubes
water - 3 cups

Boil milk in a bowl. Curdle milk by adding either lime juice or vinegar to milk slowly and mixing it properly into milk. Once milk curdles, immediately switch off stove and add ice cubes.
This stops the further cooking of milk.

Strain the milk in a soft cloth and extract the cheese. Hang this cheese in the cloth for sometime so that all the water drains.

Place the cheese along with the strained cloth on a kitchen towel and rub it for 2 minutes.
This will allow in removing any excess water and also making the cheese into smooth dough

Make small disks from the smooth cheese dough.

Add 1/2 cup sugar to 3cups of water and boil it. Once the sugar melts, take about 1/2 cup water into a shallow bowl and keep it aside.

Add the cheese disks to the boiling sugar water. Make sugar water is boiling and is on high flame, otherwise cheese balls will break. Cook the cheese disks for 5 minutes. They will bloat to double their size.

Take them out of boiling sugar water and add them to shallow vessel which has sugar water taken before. Let them cool.

Once cooled, take them out, press slightly and add them to rabdi.

Rasamalai is ready. Sprinkle coarsely ground almond powder to it.

My family finished them so quickly, i regretted making recipe with 1/2 liter.Next time i should make with 3 liters of milk.


  1. That's so nice Sravani. I am following your recipes and appreciate your efforts. The outcomes look Amazing. Excellent. Probably I will try some :-).

  2. Thanks kiran. How r u doing?
    try out some recipes.
