Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Non recipe: romantic water melon juice

Well this is not much of a recipe, but today i saw fresh watermelons heap on road side and i knew my heart wont satisfy until i have water melon

I never had patience to make juice from watermelon, i usually eat it just like that. My mom used to make this juice a lot and as soon as we are back from school, we used to have it.

Once we got so many watermelons in our garden back home that our fridge was full of melons and juice.

So, this is my first attempt and i am very very confident that it will be very tasty.

Water melon - 1
lemon - 1/2
Sugar - 1tbsp (optional, can substitute with honey also)

De-seed the watermelon and cut into small pieces. This is slightly laborious job, but hey no pain, no gain. You can get seedless watermelon then you don't have to do this also.

Put them in juicer/mixer, squeeze half lemon.

You can add sugar as per your taste. My husband usually likes juice slightly sweet and little sweet will make this juice even more romantic.

Grind, drain the juice. Keep it in fridge until you serve it.

Serve it with a small piece of lemon.

This juice tastes very refreshing and the color is romantic.


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