Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First recipe - Apple crepes

What better way than starting this fun activity with a desert.

I had crepes many times but never tried making them at home. I am very pleased that i am choosing something simple and something new for me. I was introduced to crepes in France and they always remind me of fun filled days i spent in France.

Here is the recipe

1/2 cup flour
1 Egg
2 Apples
vegetable oil
1 cup milk

The beauty of this recipe is that it does not involve any fancy ingredients. You can make it in just 15 minutes.


Take 2 apples, peel them and slice them into thin pieces lengthwise. The contract of vibrant red color of apple skin and color of apple pieces looks great on cutting board.

Take a nonstick pan, add a table spoon of butter. Once butter melts, add apple pieces. To that add 3 table spoons of sugar. let this cook for 5 minutes under medium heat. Stir once in a while.

While delicious apples cook, take a bowl add all dry ingredients (1/2 cup flour, pinch of salt, table spoon sugar). Now add an egg and one table spoon vegetable oil. mix properly. Now add milk slowly while mixing the batter.

You need to mix the batter properly until you see bubbles. I used a blender and batter was ready in a min.

place a wide pan on medium heat, coat it with little butter. Add about 1/4 cup batter to pan and spread the batter by moving the pan. Flip the crepe once you see it cooked and cook on other side for sometime. Thats all!

Once all crepes are done, add apple mix to crepe and roll it. Sprinkle some sugar over crepe. My family loved these crepes and my first day was a success.

see you with another delicious recipe tomorrow.

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