Thursday, February 24, 2011

For love: Mousse au chocolat

This post is dedicated to my love and to all those who are obsessed with chocolate.

I am little bit nervous about this as i read that this recipe though simple needs attention . Me and my tiny whisk are ready to take upon the challenge.

80g dark chocolate (I picked a Bonneville from office store)
2 tbsp brandy (courtesy my father-in-law, you can use water also
3 fresh eggs

coarsely chop chocolate. Add chocolate and brandy/water to a bowl and place the bowl over another bowl with water. let the chocolate melt on low flame.

While chocolate is melting, whisk egg whites until firm. It was a quite a task...but worthwhile.

Once chocolate melts, remove bowl from heat and add 10g of butter. (I had difficulty with this step, I had to add some water to the chocolate as it started to become hard)
Now stir in egg yolks one after another.

Stir about third of egg white. Using a sharp edged spatula, carefully fold the rest of the egg whites into it.

spoon the mouse to whatever pretty glasses u fancy. Chill for 2 hrs and serve

I was not very happy with the result, but my family really enjoyed it. It is tasty for sure, but I doubt if it can be called mousse as it did not set properly. Will definitely give a try again.

My son was not willing to give his empty glass, he licked every bit it.

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